Advanced Olive Leaf Vascular Support with Celery Seed Extract is a unique, dual-action formula that delivers two bioactive compounds to support optimal cardiovascular health. This one-of-a-kind oral formula supports blood pressure already within normal limits and eases vascular inflammation with two powerful plant-based antioxidants.
Benefits at a Glance
Unexpected Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract
Scientists have isolated a unique molecule that provides olive oil with its multitude of health and life-extending benefits. Known as oleuropein, it provides the distinctive tangy, pungent, almost bitter flavor found in high quality extra virgin olive oils.
The olive tree (Olea europaea) produces oleuropein abundantly in its leaves as well as in the olive fruit itself, and special processing techniques now allow for the extraction of a stable, standardized form of oleuropein. That means that consumers can have access to one of the most beneficial components of olive oil without the necessity of consuming excessive amounts of olive oil.
Olive leaf's oleuropein supports healthy blood pressure already within the normal range. A controlled clinical trial documented an average of 11.5 mm Hg decline in systolic readings and a 4.8 mm Hg drop in diastolic readings using 1,000 mg per day of olive leaf extract in just eight weeks!
Multiple Heart Benefits of Celery Seed Extract
Not many people in the Western world know about celery seed, although it has been used as medicine for thousands of years in other parts of the world. During ancient times, Indian Ayuverdic medicine used celery seed to support optimal functioning of the heart, lungs, digestion and the immune system.
Celery seed extract contains 3-n-butylphthalide (or just 3nB). 3nB supports the healthy inflammatory response critical to maintaining a healthy circulatory system.
In a small clinical trial using an equivalent amount of active compounds as those found in this celery seed extract observed an average 8.2 mm Hg drop in systolic readings and 8.5 mm Hg in diastolic readings in just six weeks!
Potent, Dual-Extract Formulation
Advanced Olive Leaf Vascular Support with Celery Seed Extract combines two clinically researched bioactive compounds to provide dual-action vascular support!
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