People often wonder if they should also supplement with a green food blend while taking a multiple vitamin/mineral formula. Whole foods provide vitamins and minerals as nature intended, with all of the naturally occurring co-factors and synergistic compounds in tact. They contain hundreds, and possibly thousands, of yet to be discovered nutrients, that cannot be isolated and put into a vitamin / mineral supplement.
With whole foods and their concentrates containing complete nutritional complexes, the body is able to recognize these as food, easily assimilating what it needs and excreting what it doesnt, this is called selective absorption. Most vitamin and mineral supplements however, are made from fractionated, isolated, or synthetic sources, leaving your body no choice but to deal with these incomplete substances, thus creating a potential environment of bio-chemical imbalances and toxicities. For optimal health, there is nothing better or more compatible to the human body than nutrient-rich, unprocessed whole foods in their balanced, natural state. Garden of Life Perfect Food is a new standard in whole food nutrition.
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